
 Book: Beautiful Creatures 
Series: Caster Chronicles 
Author: Kami Gracia & Margaret Stoh
Rate: 5 Stars 

**Back of the book**

Is falling in love the beginning . . . or the end?
In Ethan Wate's hometown there lies the darkest of secrets . . .

There is a girl. Slowly, she pulled the hood from her head . . .  Green eyes, black hair. Lena Duchannes. 

There is a curse. On the Sixteenth Moon, the Sixteen Year, the Book will take what it's been promised. And no one can stop it. 

In the end, there is a grave. 

Lena and Ethan become bound together by a deep, powerful love. But Lena is cursed and on her sixteenth birthday, her fate will be decided. Ethan never even saw it coming. 


*Spoilers Alert*

This book is just beautiful. Characters, plot, twists, and everything in between was all just unbelievably amazing. 

My favorite character is Macon, so of course my heart broke when I read his death scene. Then there's Ethan. I have to say that I didn't expect the story to be told from his perspective, but I'm so glad that it was. I can't imagine it told any better. For someone who usually falls for the female leading characters it also came as a surprise when I realized that my second favorite character is Ethan and not Lena. I love pretty much about him: respectful, understanding, funny, down to earth yet imaginative. I even love his simplicity. 

The story was different from any book I have ever read about witches and magic in general. I think the reason that puts this book at the top of the rest of the similar books is due to the unexpected twits that take place. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and it was a really engaging story. 

Book: I Am Number Four 
Series: Lorien Legacies
Author: Pittacus Lore
Rate: 2 Stars

**Back of the book**

In the beginning they were a group of nine. Nice aliens who left their home planet of Lorien when it fell under attack by the evil Mogadorian. Nine aliens who scattered on Earth. Nine aliens who look like ordinary teenagers living ordinary lives, but who have extraordinary, paranormal skills. Nine aliens who might be sitting next to you now. The Nine had to separate and go into hiding. 

The Mogadorian caught Number One in Malaysia, Number Two in England, and Number Three in Kenya. All of them were killed. John Smith, of Paradise, Ohio, is Number Four. He knows that he is next. 


It took me quite a while to get through this book. It started good, really good actually. Full on awesome story line and what seemed like a very well developed main character. But that was it. From thereon the writing style started getting in the way of the story, some of the important characters were written poorly therefore ruining some good parts of the plot.

Honestly I was really really disappointed. I have been looking forward to reading this book and I loved the idea of the story, but like I said it just didn't have the right amount of character development.

Book: Hush, Hush
Series: Hush, Hush
Author: Becca Fitzpatrick 
Rate: 4 Stars

I didn't write a review for Hush Hush for several reasons. But the main reason is because I found Belinda Boring's review to be the review I'd give for this book. So I decided to post it on here instead of my own. 

*Not my review* 
*Spoilers Alert*

I wasn't quite sure when I saw this book at Barnes and Noble but the friend I was with told me how much she liked and stressed that I should really read it. I learned something that day ... it is actually a good thing to listen to people and not fade out into the background (for those friends reading this, don't worry this doesn't mean you :P) I went straight home and read it and DEVOURED it. When I for to the end, I kept flipping the pages back and forth muttering "Please tell me there's more and that I'm just too blind to see it. It was really good. I loved Nora. She's just going about her daily business, dealing with the stresses that come with being a teenager and what happens - she gets lumped together with a guy called Patch that is so obviously a bad boy that her only reaction is to beg the teacher for reassignment. This guy is sarcastic and has taken a shine to Nora, that he delights in making her blush,oftentimes waiting for those moments when it's before others.

Nora wants to stay away but they keep getting thrown together and the story talks about how Nora deals with it, her growing feelings towards Patch and her confusion where he is concerned. Now Patch. Have I told you how wonderfully he is as a bad boy? There are different levels of bad boy and there is one kind that just rocks my world - the sarcastic bad boy with a dash of evilness. He's the one that when he's good, he's good but when he's bad he is breathtakingly bad. Patch is that kind of bad boy.

Your first introduction to Patch is the cocky kid with sarcastic comments that match his mysterious attitude. He is a dream to read and I immediately added him to my bad boy list. He made the book worth reading. Add the fact the book was good, the writing was easy to follow and the author didn't take you on this endless journey of twists and turns to the point where you have motion sickness and are very very confused. I loved the plot and it really has sparked an interest in reading more books based on where the main boy/teen/man is an angel of some kind. But again what stuck out was Patch.

He is alluring, appealing and drug you right up close, making you close your eyes, wet your lips and lean in close as you can, breathless for the kiss that doesn't obviously come but you don't care, you're too caught up in his web. He owns you for that moment. Don't you just love bad boys?

Book: Crescendo
Series: Hush, Hush
Author: Becca Fitzpatrick 
Rate: 3 Stars 

I liked Crescendo even though I liked the first one much more! I'm still in love and will always be in love with Patch! I kinda of like Scout too and he turned out to be even better at the end.

 But one thing that I still don't like is Nora's way of dealing with things!! I like my female characters to be strong and out front with everything, but she always sneaks around and doesn't face her problems the way I like my main female character to. But I still like her sense of humor and Vee so it's all good I guess after two books she kinda grows on you. ^^ 

But over all I'm enjoying the story and the idea of how much one has to give up to truly love and how much love means and I just love how love is portrayed in the story!

Book: Silence
Series: Hush, Hush
Author: Becca Fitzpatrick 
Rate: 5 Stars 

It's hard to put what I think of Silence into words. But the story only gets better and better with each page it gets more and more interesting! I loved Patch in Silence more than I did in any other book!! Okay maybe I liked him a little more in Hush Hush but still this one is just Perfect! I think Fitzpatrick did an even better job in giving us a better look into who Patch really is. 

Anyways this story is Amazing and I believe anyone who likes un-worldly characters with perfect guy character who isn't really perfect and is looking for a good time this story is the one!   

Book: Finale
Series: Hush, Hush
Author: Becca Fitzpatrick
Rate: 4 Stars 

When I started Finale I believed that I expected too much, but then Becca Fitzpatrick  delivered a story that acceded all my expectations! I love the characters, the plot, the setting, the story line, and mostly I loved Patch! It has been an amazing ride and a far more amazing week. I read all four books in one week not wanting to stop! 

The story started and ended with the best scenes! I love the happy ending! And I love the twists and turns I experienced in the wonderful story! I most defiantly will be re reading it in the future and I recommend it to truly any fantasy fan!! 

A story of love told through love about love, that you all will mostly love ♥ 

Book:  Sh*t My Dad Says
Author: Justin Halpern 
Rate: 4 Stars 

When I told people about wanting to read this book, a lot told me its a waste of my time. That I could do so much better, truly it made me feel like I was committing myself in a long distance relationship with a chicken! But anyways, I looked Justin Halpern, the author, and tried to learn a little but about him. Through my "research" I ran across so many of his father's quotes and I couldn't help but laugh, smile, or think. So I decided to ignore what people were telling me and started the book. 

My sisters had always wanted to record what our Dad says, he's a funny guy who likes to play around with words, but we never really done it. I took my time reading the book, more than a week. I'd usually try to read one story a week and then think about it and see if I ever encountered something similar with my Dad. Of course I couldn't talk to my Dad about the book because of the few words that Justin's Dad uses, but I pointed out a few things that I thought made him who he is. Anyways... I tried to read other books while reading Sh*t My Dad Says, I can usually do that, but this time? I just couldn't. 

When I finished I at first gave it three stars then before another second to pass I gave it four. It felt so true and it was a part of the author and the author's life. It was written so beautifully in a way to make you see what's underneath and how much one man's words could mean. Through it all I just kept on wishing that Justin doesn't disappoint his Dad, but then learned that when he did his Dad was always there with a quote for him to keep in mind. 

So to those who don't think this book deserve their time, you're wrong! It might not take your to a different world, may not tell you a love story, may not have cool settings, but it does have a message. Well more than one! And that's what makes it a good book. 

Book: AgnelFall
Series: Penryn & the End of Days 
Author: Susan Ee
Rate: 4 Stars 

Angelfall, first what an incredible name!? Not only does it give us an idea of what might this book be about, but it defies itself.

The book is about the World After, everything is destroyed and humans are out there gunning for what's left. Surprisingly it isn't WWIII that brought such disaster, it's the holy Angels and their politics. Penryn is just another Daughter of Man who's the survival of her baby sister and insane mother is on her shoulders.

The story is told from the perspective of a human girl who's only goal is survive the end of the world as much as possible. But the story is much more than just that. It's a tale of two worlds coming together not in peace and harmony but in war and destruction.

The Angels are anything but friendly. They are deadly remorseless flying beings. Until Raphael's wings are cut off and until Penryn decides he's worth saving.

Susan Ee gave us not just another Fantasy story about the end of time, but she gave us life lessons and values hidden underneath words and between lines.

To fight or not to fight. To wish or not to wish. To love or not to love. To sacrifice or not to sacrifice. To help or not to help. To be or not to be. Are all addressed in 283 pages of pure thoughts written to show that with the flaws we humans will always carry; hope is something we are known for.

My favorite line that I believe summarizes this beautiful story is this “I never thought about it before, but I’m proud to be human. We’re ever so flawed. We’re frail, confused, violent, and we struggle with so many issues. But all in all, I’m proud to be a Daughter of Man.” That is I. Prouder now after reading and understanding Susan Ee's Angelfall.

Book: Starseed  
Author: Liz Gruder
Rate: 2 Stars

I'm going to start with the negative first so I can end with a positive note.

There are so many gaps in Starseed, that made it hard to follow. Also there were so many things unexplained. There was also no character development present. Things do happen that should effect the characters but the characters don't grow. Throughout the book I had to go back and read the description for the "alien" characters because there isn't something unique for each and they don't develop so I can't tell them apart. So my main big issue is with character development.

Now positive!

I liked the story line itself. The idea is new and isn't too "alieny" which is good because that way it makes it easier to relate to. And even though Gruder's sentence structure is simple and easy it was still fun to read.

Book: Looking for Alaska
Author: John Green 
Rate: 4 Stars

"I go to seek a Great Perhaps." I'm not someone who is into last words nor am I someone who wonders about people's last words but François Rabelais' last words got to me. I read this book simply because I wanted to know more about John Green, and what's a better way to do that than read his books? The book starts with Miles looking and seeking for his Great Perhaps, but to me it felt like he was more into understanding and exploring others' Great Perhaps', but I kept reading anyway because i loved the style and I liked Miles for liking and caring about people's last words, my reason for reading the book then changed; I kept on reading because I wanted to know if Miles will ever realize that Great Perhaps' aren't things you go seek but they are what we already have its just a matter of how to express and knowledge them (don't know if that made sense to other people) 

*Spoilers Alert!* 

Anyway, then I got to the part where Alaska dies I had to stop for two reasons 1) I needed tissues 2) I wanted to write. Her death gave me an idea and I had to put it somewhere. I knew that Miles and The Colonel will try to find out the hows and whys, so I paused (for about an hour or so) and wrote three pages explaining what a Great Perhaps means and it's connection to a Labyrinth. It was fun but also scary in a way. I had to face things that I shoved under the bed or stuffed in the closet along with the closet monsters, I couldn't ignore the nagging questions of life and their meanings. In those three pages I faced my fears and dreams and realized they were connected just like a Great Perhaps and a Labyrinth are. It shocked me how little I knew about myself and it scared me that no matter how many pages I write I'll never be able to face my true self. The self that I thought I understood. In those three pages I realized that there are so many things that I don't do simply because .... Simply because what? Nothing! There was no true real answer! And that scared me even more. I blame society, culture, government, and economy for so many wrong things so I don't have to face my own-self-made-problems. Reading Looking For Alaska did more to me emotionally and psychologically than my whole short 16 years of life ever did. This book gave me more than I asked for when I first picked it up.  I am now still and will always be afraid of what my Great Perhaps is and will always be afraid of finding the wrong door out of my Labyrinth, like Alaska. It will take me more than the rest of my life to find both, for I believe in the afterlife and I think you can't understand this life without the other.

So here's what I'm trying to say: no matter your reasons for reading this book it will make you see things you have always known but didn't bother to check up on, making you face things you thought we're already dealt with. Our lives aren't roller coasters our lives are the metal the builds such things. Our lives aren't stories our lives are The Stories that will never end for we live beyond our deaths. Looking For Alaska is one of my favorite books not because of its characters, though God knows how much I relate to them, not due to Green's amazing writing style but only and solely  because Looking For Alaska is really a book about looking for one's own self.

Book: The Girl of Fire and Thorns
Series: Fire and Thorns
Author: Rae Carson
Rate: 5 Stars 

 I love the character development that takes place, I love the change in settings ever so often, and I love the characters so deeply I feel sad for having to part with them when finishing the book!

It's a different kind of story with a different type of magic and powers. It's a story that not only shows hope where hope isn't expected but a story that brings the faith within people! And Rae Carson couldn't have gotten any of the characters' feelings more right, their thoughts and beliefs gave more to the story. 

Loved how Elisa was a different princess than all of the perfect princesses I've read about! I love how she became what we all hope to achieve! Loved how she grew to become the princess not born one! And more I just love her way of dealings and her believe and faith of what she knows is right and true!

All in all The Girl of Fire and Thorns is a special story that I will forever hold dear to my heart a story that I will always recommend a story that I will always refer to a story that I will always wish to discuss and a story that I will never forget!

Name: Divergent
Series: Divergent

Author: Veronica Roth
Rate: 4 Stars 

First I have to thank one of my close friends for recommending this book!!!
Second I have to thank Veronica Roth for giving us an amazingly written story!!!
Third I have to tell everyone about how great this book is!!!

Weirdly I didn't have to do any skipping or skimming! I've read every word of this book. Usually I like to skim then re-read but not this book I just think it's an amazing story with unbelievably well developed characters. From the beginning to end this book kept me guessing, wondering, and hoping! Every page held a huge amount of surprises.

A lot happened, that I didn't even think was possible and the death of so many characters in a small amount of (time/pages) kind of annoyed me at the beginning but then I realized that those deaths were meant to help develop Tris's character and show us that life isn't easy even for those fearless people.

All in all I loved and enjoyed Divergent  and I couldn't wait to get my hands on Insurgent and curl in my bed or a quite place under sunshine and read read read read till I'm done : )

Name: Clockwork Angel
Series: The Infernal Devices

Author: Cassandra Clare
Rate: 4 Stars

Clockwork Angel, was truly an amazingly written book filled with beautiful characters and great story lines. From Tess to Will to Jem to Jess and Henry to Charlotte and Sophie and Thomas even Magnus and Nate I've loved and enjoyed everyone of those characters and what they bring to the story!

This was truly one of the few books that I've read slowly, not because I wasn't into it or anything, but simply it was so mind evoking that after every big event or an end of a chapter I like to take a minute to think and wonder. I like how in the beginning of every chapter there's that one small part of a poem that would, later on, fit the chapter completely!

From the beginning till the end this book had me wishing and hoping had me dreaming and wondering from the beginning till the end this book held my attention and did not disappoint!

So a BIG thank you is in order to Cassandra Clare for such a great story for such good characters and mostly  for giving me something that I will think about and wonder through. This is the second book iI've read that was written by Clare and she already made it to my number one favorite author! And the books are nothing but better with each page!

Clockwork Prince
Series: The Infernal Devices

Author: Cassandra Clare
Rate: 4 Stars

When I closed Clockwork Prince, when I finished, I was left with several emotions; happy, sad, worried,most importantly, angry but excited!

*Spoilers Alert!*

HAPPY: simply because, how can I not be? I mean Charlotte and Henry are having a baby!! Sophie and Tessa are friends again. Gideon stood up against his father! Magnus is JUST amazing! Will is not cursed. Jem is happily engaged. Charlotte is still in charge of the Institution. But for happiness to be reached sadness is always around.

SAD: Jessamine betrayed everyone and lost her (husband) who's been lying to her, Nate died, even though he deserved it but it was still sad. Will realized he wasted five years of his life. Jem is still dying. Will gave up so much for Jem. Tessa gave up so much for Jem. and we all know that sadness is always surrounded by worry. Tessa still doesn't know (what) she is.

Worried: Cecily  shows up!! Henry and Charlotte have a lot more to lose. Jem is dying. Gideon is still not trusted (by me). Worried for Sophie's sake. Tessa might decided to give up everything for Jem. Will might decided to give up everything for Jem. Benedict  might still do something. Something might happen to Gabriel (only worried for Gideon's sake). Mortmain is still up and about!!! And I don't know why but I get the feeling something might happen to Magnus! And with worry anger is built.

ANGRY: Jem is being selfish! Will needs to fight for what he wants. Tessa needs to fight for what she wants. Cecily can't just show up in Will's life like that! Jessamine!!! And mostly Mortmain is still alive!!!!! But all four come together to excite me!

EXCITED: All of the above and I couldn't hold still until I got my hands on Clockwork Princess. !

Name: Clockwork Princess
Series: The Infernal Devices
Author: Cassandra Clare
Rate: 5 Stars

I have never ever read such a great story and I am so sure I will never ever find such a good ending that made me cry so much, turning my eyes red, making my heart pound, and my hands shake. I don't know how to tell people what a great story this is "for I am not good with words." But I wrote something right after I finished Clockwork Princess that truly reflects my thoughts I hope it is enough:

I wish, I simply wish, for someone who sees like I do, someone who hears the same as me, who's thoughts fill in my gaps, who's words fixes me. I wish for someone who I wouldn't have to explain to, for someone who's ideas are their own. I desperately wish for someone who understands me, who sees my wrongs and still not leave me. I wish for someone who I wouldn't hide a thing from, for someone I could share my thoughts with; not fearing their reaction. I wish, I simply wish for someone who reads as much I do who feels as deep as I do. I wish for someone I can cry with, cry about the most important things and the silliest things. I wish for someone who wouldn't find it odd for me to cry about characters, about lifeless "people" who only live on pages. I simply wish for someone who no matter where I go they are always there, right with me. I simply, I truly simply and only wish for a "Parabatai", for someone in who's eyes I'll always find a grace. Who's eyes reflect the good in me the good that only that person sees.  I just want a "Parabatai"

Name: Anna Dressed in Blood
Series: Anna
Author: Kendare Blake
Rate: 4 Stars

I have never read ghost related books before simply because I thought they are better told and that there always the same but when reading Anna Dressed in Blood I am proven wrong. Maybe every other ghost related story is the same at the end but not this one. It starts differently and it's such a fast read that it makes you jump at every page and gives you no time to pause! And oddly I liked that. I liked the writing style and enjoyed seeing things with Cas! Anna has her own story inside a story and I like that it gave the book another "door" to see things through. Also in a way this story showed me that no matter the harsh past you really can control the way you come out of it! And I am amazed at such a message! And I think that Kendare Blake did a great job at conveying such message.

A big thanks to my friend for recommending it! Can't wait to starts Girl of Nightmares.

Name: Ignite
Series: Midnight Fire
Author: Kaitlyn Davis
Rate: 5 Stars

First I thought it would be just like every other vampire/anti vampire kinda book, but still the way it was written, the style, and the word choice, also the characters. I couldn't stop reading, then with more events I realized that this isn't just any vampire related series, this is something of its own.
I truly loved it and my favorite character is Luke. I also love Kira's personality.

I've always wanted to give a review but I knew that no matter what I say it wouldn't be enough!

When I read, Ignite, I truly didn't think that I will like it. But page by page I realized I love this book and the next thing I knew it was over! I freaked out and read it twice again, within the next week,  without even bothering to check the next book (yea I was that chocked) When I settled down I checked and realized there's another book! and another! So I went and bought them both, because I just couldn't stop myself, and you have no idea how much this series means to me!

I've read so many books and so many vampire related books but this one? This one is on a different level! It has its own idea and its own way of dealing and mostly it wasn't just a vampire story it gave much more and it touched me for a reason that is still beyond my understanding. So till today every time I want motivation or I want to read something that keeps on giving I go straight to Ignite. I have read it, and I swear to you, more than 12 times already! Even though I literally remember almost everything and I can pretty much quote it I still itch and eagerly turn the pages every time I re-read it.

I just wanted to share this with everyone because this story really has its own place in my heart and I will forever recommend it and I wanted everyone to know that inside Kaitlyn Davis is a writer who knows how to reach the heart of her readers and how to make them "feel" with her characters.

Name: Scorch
Series: Midnight Fire (Last book)
Author: Kaitlyn Davis
Rate: 5 Stars

I was really sad knowing that the series was over and that Scorch is the last book. But knowing what an amazing writer Kaitlyn Davis is and what a great story this series told, I knew that Scorch will be the best ending any Midnight Fire reader will ever hope for.

From the first sentence to the last I loved it all! I cried a lot as well. I cried at how sad it was, at how beautiful is was, and also I cried because I was so touched by the characters and I felt like I was there. This series has always been one of my very best favorites. And Ignite IS my favorite book, but Scorch adds sweetness and more magic to the story making it more appealing and more inspiring. 

I have much much and much more to say about how awesome this story is and how beautiful Scorch is and also how great of a writer Kaitlyn is, but I will just say that I am happy to have found this series and that I am glad to have been one of the lucky ones who have read it. Also I know for sure that I will re re and re read Scorch many many times just like I did with the first 3 books of this series and that Ignite will always be the book I go to when needing inspiration! I hope everyone gets to see what a great story Kaitlyn has written! 

Love the series & Wish everyone get to experience it! 

Name: Angel Burn
Series: Angel
Author: L. A. Weatherly 
Rate: 3.5 Stars 

To me this was a new type of story. L. A. Weatherly took something that all thought of us pure and good and twisted it into something still beautiful but not entirely good. For something like that to be done; the writing has to be at an amazing level and I believe that this incredible level of good writing is seen in Angel BurnI loved, not only Weatherly's style, but also her characters. I loved the message this story sends and I loved the way the characters develop and how well the story is built.

An incredible story with amazing characters and a true honest message! Enjoyed it : ) 

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