Thursday, June 20, 2013


I find myself liking basketball more and more. Not because I'm big on sports and not because I want to support a specific team or anything. I find myself drawn to the sprit and will that basketball ignites. The look of determination on the players' faces, the sweat of hard work, and will running down their foreheads. To some it might seem disgusting and even repulsive, but to me it's evidence of how much the forty minute game means to them. I feel myself drawn to the way the players seem. As if they are freeing themselves in this small court. To me they are letting go of the iron bars that surround our lives and letting their sprits free. To me they seem to be only driven by will and wild determinations. It's like they are unstoppable, and in a way they seem like lighting so strong and so fast that if you blink you'll miss their hard work. It's not about who wins or which teams scores more, for me its more about the players themselves. I look and just can't stop looking at how much they put into what they do. For one thing I wondered about how they block all the noises coming from the fans and the orders come from the coaches? I wondered how are they able to give us a show and yet still make it seem real and full hearted. To the fans its just a game, its just who's going to win, and who will take the title, but when watching the way the players run, jump, pass, catch, score, talk, breath, and think I then realized its much more than that. Its the players' way of expressing themselves. Basketball is the player's way of finding themselves within the chaos of the game. And for that reason only am I drawn to this sport. 

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